Battle Creek Falls
Crazy times we live in! It is spring of 2020, and the world is cooped up in their homes trying not to spread COVID-19. Funny thing is, I’ve seen more people out taking walks than ever before. It just goes to show that humans need nature!
One of the nature hikes that our family enjoys is Battle Creek Falls. We have hiked it several times in years past. It’s not a long hike, only about a mile and a half to the falls along a wide trail. You can easily take children, even infants!

There are fun places to stop and play along the way.

Near the Falls the path winds along the river. It’s refreshing to get close to the water! The water isn’t deep, so you don’t have to worry about keeping your kids away from it.

After you reach the waterfall, you can continue up the trail. There is a spot that you can go nearly on top of the falls! It’s fun to wave at people at the bottom.

The waterfall is directly off the trail, so it’s easy to reach. You can go right up and stand in it if you want!

There is also a smaller fall that sort of just slides down the rock. It’s fun to touch if you don’t want to get soaked.

Battle Creek Falls is located in Pleasant Grove, Utah. It’s super easy to find. Just go east on 200 S to the top and you will run right into the trailhead!
Battle Creek Falls trail is fairly popular, so expect to see other people on the trail. Hopefully we can all stay 6 feet apart!
Note: Use your best judgment about being with others. Utah has a “stay home stay safe” initiative from our governor until May 1st, 2020.

What a lovely place to hike! I love to find special places like this.
Taci- Life Beyond Zebra
Looks awesome! They closed all of hiking trails around here sadly. Can’t wait till we can walk around again!
OK I really want to stand in the waterfall like that! Maybe not with jeans though? Wet clothes make me very uncomfortable. And playing in that river looks super fun.
What a great and fun way to introduce outdoor adventures to the kids and young at hearts. Looks like everyone had fun!
Why is standing in a waterfall so fun? LOL I love it!!!
Now that looks like a great way to spend the day. It would be so nice to stand under a waterfall!
I like to do photography at waterfalls
What a lovely spot to enjoy a beautiful day. It’s nice to just be out and walking around right now, within safe distances of course. Love waterfalls, they’re so much fun!
Ohhhhhh…I soooooooo want to be here right now. I love day hikes and this one looks like the perfect place to get out of the house (wish I lived closer). And the children are adorable!
Thanks so much! We think they are pretty adorable too!
Amanda Holdsworth
I love that kids of all ages can enjoy this. Looks stunning!
WOW! I would love to hike here. Waterfalls are my favorite thing to find on hikes.
Love the waterfall! Will have to check this out!
Sara - Seek Discover Learn
We love taking family hikes and exploring nature. I have never been to Utah, so it’s one of the states we still need to visit for our “50 States Before Graduation” Challenge. This looks like it would be a nice stop that our family would enjoy.
Utah is a pretty great state! I hope you can visit soon!
I love the waterfalls. Spring is such a great time to go hiking with the melting snow fueling the falls. I think I need to get into the mountains to recharge.
Eva Keller
We love waterfall hikes! When we went to Yosemite our favorite trails went to waterfalls and we went during peak run off times so they were intense. Can’t wait to check out some more!
Stacey Billingsley
Battle Creek Falls looks like a fun place to explore. I love waterfalls, and these are beautiful. I’d love to check them out one day!
Tricia Snow
This looks amazing! I love waterfalls and I would love to stand under one!
Lisa Manderino
I think we have been here but your pictures make me want to go explore!
I love waterfalls and hikes. This is a beautiful waterfall.
How fun! I need to check this out the next time I nearby. I love your photos! Thank you.
heather J jandrue
Such a pretty place.
This sounds like such a wonderful, fun hiking adventure. Thank you for sharing!
Wendy Robinson
What a fun time for the kiddos to get outside. Those smiles!!!!
Thanks for sharing this gem! I love waterfalls and this one looks like a great one!
We have to get out into nature every single day. It is very important for mental health. Battle Creek Falls looks like a perfect place to escape!
Great to know. We will be rescheduling our trip to Utah asap!