
Random thoughts I have

  • Ramblings

    Sunshine Blogger Award

    I am so excited and honored that one of my peers, Karen from KMS is Writing has nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award. The award is given from bloggers to fellow bloggers who bring positivity and creative content to the blogging community and to their readers. Thank you so much for the nomination, Karen!  A little bit about Karen, author of KMS is Writing Karen is an empty-nester who recently resigned from her job in corporate journalism. She loves the opportunity to merge traveling and writing, two of her favorite things, as she blogs about her adventures. It’s a pleasure to read about her trips with family, friends, and even by herself,…

  • Ramblings

    Serendipity On Purpose has been nominated for the LIEBSTER AWARD!

    Guess what? Serendipity On Purpose has been nominated for the Liebster Award 2019! What is the Liebster Award? Liebster in German means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. theglobalaussie.com The purpose of this award is to help discover new blogs and to recognize new bloggers in all niches. Bloggers nominate other bloggers that they have found a connection with through reading their blog and communicating with them online. I have loved getting to know other bloggers during my short time blogging! I have been nominated by travel blogger April from Rodes on the Road. Thank you so much for nominating me, April! April grew…

  • Delighted child

    Serendipity (ser-uh n-dip’-i-tee)

    Noun *an aptitude for making delightful discoveries by accident. The word Serendipity trips and tickles off the tongue, conjuring up images of butterflies and other delightful discoveries that present themselves to me without my having to hunt for them. These discoveries produce joyful moments, when a laugh bubbles up in my throat and bursts out spontaneously, and I find myself yearning for more of these delightful moments. It was back in 1754 that Horace Walpole first used the word Serendipity, referencing the fairy tale The Three Princes of Serendip*. In the words of Walpole, “as their highnesses travelled, they were always making discoveries, by accident and sagacity, of things which they were not in quest of.” Through…

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